$8 per day ($240 per month)
allows 1 patient with aphasia to receive a 6-session speech therapy training programme
Click “Donate for us” to make online donations.
The upper limit per transaction is HK$100,000.
Please download and complete the “Donation Form” and return it to HKSR Office together with the crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation”.
Communication and Resource Development,
Room A102, 1/F,
HKSR Lam Tin Complex, 7 Rehab Path,
Lam Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Please make your donation with following method:
Please send an email to hksrcrd@rehabsociety.org.hk or a Whatsapp message to 6170 2685 with a photo of your bank receipt of ATM transfer or a screen capture of your online transaction as well as your personal details in preparation for a donation receipt.
Name/Organisation Name
Receipt is needed? Yes / No
Name on Receipt
香港九龍藍田復康徑 7 號香港復康會藍田綜合中心 1樓A102室
Please contact our Communication and Resource Development Department for further enquiry.
Tel:2534 3352
Whatsapp:6170 2685 (Only for requests for donation receipts)