In Memory of The Sunshine of Rehabus, Mr LUK Chi-keung Rex

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR) unfortunately records immense sadness for the loss of Mr LUK Chi-keung, Rex, Director (Operations, Rehabus), on 25 January 2021 due to illness, aged 54.
Rex served HKSR for nearly three decades. He first joined HKSR as Transport Manager of Rehabus in 1992 and was promoted to Director of Rehabus in 2006. His dedicated work of promoting accessible transport and travel throughout his tenure led to the expansion of our fleet of bus from around 50 to over 160. The number of captains also increased from around 70 to nearly 200. He unconditionally shared his experiences of accessible transport with local and overseas organisations. His enthusiasm resulted in the rise and development of accessible transport across the globe.
In addition to his dedication to Rehabus, Rex was also concerned about bus facilities and advised on its design and equipment. Whenever he had to introduce Rehabus to others, he could always talk all day long, explaining how to use the equipment and how people with disabilities would benefit from it. Well-versed in affairs of accessible transport, he was invited to attend and provide relevant information at the meeting of the task force on accessible transport at the Legislative Council. “He was knowledgeable in accessible transport. No matter what I asked, he could answer clearly and confidently, so he was my go-to person whenever there was anything I need to consult,” said Mr SIU Wai-keung, Stephen, former Secretary for Labour and Welfare of HKSAR Government.
Passionate about work, Rex was a hands-on leader. When Hong Kong hosted the Paralympic Equestrian Events in 2008, HKSR was appointed to provide transport service for the athletes and VIPs. Although Rex had to be at work during the day, he sacrificed a lot of his private time to support our team and foreign athletes after work. “There were communication gaps between on-site staff and people with disabilities. As Rex had a good grasp of their needs, he lent a helping hand and solved their problems. I remembered that the events took place at night or after midnight, but Rex still endeavoured to assist in every possible way.” said Mr HO Chi-wah, a senior staff member of Rehabus.
Apart from promoting accessible transport and travel locally, Rex also played a key role in the affairs of international organisations and served in various public duties. Rex actively spoke at overseas conferences and shared his unparalleled expertise with experts overseas. In 2010, he was a member of the organising committee of the International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010), which took place in Hong Kong, connecting Hong Kong to the international community of accessible transport.
With a modest and generous character, Rex unreservedly provided professional advice to other organisations, on matters related to accessible vehicles, accessible transport policies and practices. “Rex was familiar with all kinds of bus models and explained them to us in detail,” recounted Mr. Clarence Choi, Head of Department of Social Solidarity, Social Welfare Bureau, Macau. In recent years, other than making site visits and exchanging knowledge in Thailand and Mainland China in his own time and at his own expense, he also introduced the first accessible vehicle in Sichuan, China. Rex had also left his mark in Singapore and many cities in China, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Taipei, changing the lives of many.
At work, Rex was passionate, diligent, courteous and would listen to what service users say. A cheerful and humorous person, he was well-liked by co-workers and service users because he treated co-workers like family, recognised people’s potential and leveraged it in their best interest. His affectionate smile and selfless character have set a high benchmark, all of which would also remain in our hearts. We would like to commemorate Rex as “The Sunshine of Rehabus” for his enthusiasm and lifelong dedication to promoting accessible transport and travel, as he always shone a light of hope into the darkness for others in need. HKSR would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude with honour to the late Mr Luk for his enormous contributions.
Affiliations of Rex
-Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
-Member of the Institute of Transport Administration (Hong Kong, China)
-Member of the Training Committee of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong
-Member of the Committee on Accessible Transportation and Mobility of the Transportation Research Board
-Invited Expert of the Working Committee on Accessible Transportation and Accessible Tourism of the Asia Pacific Disability Forum
-Member of the 2011 International Steering Committee of the 4th International Conference on Accessible Tourism (ICAT)