Prof. CHAN Che-hin Chetwyn BSc OT, MSc, PhD, OT (C)
Professor Chetwyn Chan is Vice-President (Research and Development), Peter T. C. Lee Chair Professor of Psychology at the Education University of Hong Kong. Professor Chan has been an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association since 2008 and Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society since 2007. In 2008, in recognition of his contributions to psychology and rehabilitation sciences, Professor Chan received the Global Leadership in Rehabilitation Science Award from Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States. In 2011, he received the Alumni Honour Award from the University of Alberta in recognition of his influence on research and education development in rehabilitation in Asia. In 2023, Professor Chan received the Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service from the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PRC.
Professor Chan is Chairperson of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, a Member of the Employees Retraining Board, Convenor of Quality Assurance and Review Committee of the Employees Retraining Board and a Member of the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals of the Education Bureau.

Ms. FANG Meng-sang Christine BBS, JP, RSW
Ms. Christine Fang is a registered social worker by profession and the former Chief Executive of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). Prior to joining HKCSS, she was the Secretary General of Hong Kong Red Cross, accumulating rich experience in both local and international welfare sectors. She also contributes towards the development and promotion of social welfare and has participated in various important government policy committees.
Ms. Fang joined The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR) as Ordinary Member in 1993 and was a member of the Executive Committee from 1993 to 2003, leading the Steering Committee on establishment of Yee Hong Heights in Shenzhen, Mainland China. She has been re-appointed as a member of the Executive Committee since 2013, and as Vice-Chairperson since 2019.

Dr. SZETO Wing-fu Ricky FCPA(Aust.), PhD, M.Th, MBA
Dr. Szeto Wing-fu Ricky has been the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited since 1999. Dr. Szeto is currently a Practice Professor of the School of Accounting and Finance, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Dr. Szeto has won numerous accolades during his career, including a Capital Leaders of Excellence 2007 Award, and was named the 2008 Top Ten Chinese Enterprise Creative Leader, and the China Social Responsibility Entrepreneur 2008, Enterprise Asia Outstanding Entrepreneurship Awards 2012 and Top Ten (Industry) Innovation Personality Award 2015 by Asia Brand Association. He is appointed by the government and its agencies to serve a member of various public service committees, including the Advisory Committee on the Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme (ESRAC), the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food for the Centre for Food Safety, the Committee on Lump Sum Grant Steering, the Advisory Committee on Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities, the Committee on Hong Kong Tourism Board, the Social Welfare Advisory Committee and Industry Training Advisory Committee. He is currently the Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee, the Chairperson of Long Term Care Committee, and Member of Fundraising and Social Enterprise Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation.

Prof. CHAN Lai-wan Cecilia BSocSc, MSocSc, PhD, RSW, JP
Member (Vice-President)
Prof. Cecilia Chan is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at The University of Hong Kong. She serves as member of the Equal Opportunity Committee and the Executive Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation to promote social inclusion.
Committed to the empowerment of persons with disabilities, she is an executive committee member or advisor to a number of patient groups and mutual help organizations including the Alliance for Patients Organizations, Hong Kong Cancer Fund, Regeneration Society, Hong Kong Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, The Hong Kong Epilepsy Association, etc. She is dedicated to developing models of community rehabilitation services for persons with chronic illnesses and disabilities, and developing strength-based models of health promotion.

Dr. CHENG Chun-fai Steve PhD, LLM, MBA, FCPM
Dr. Steve Cheng is the General Manager – Operations of FSE Holdings Limited (FSE) and the Director & General Manager of its business unit New China Laundry Limited. Prior to FSE, Dr. Cheng was a Director and General Manager of a member company of NWS Holdings Limited (HK Stock Code: 0659). Dr. Cheng has worked in Singapore, Taiwan and PRC for more than 10 years who has substantial experiences in operations management.
Dr. Cheng holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the Bulacan State University, a Master of Laws Degree in Chinese Business Law from The Open University of Hong Kong, a Master in Business Administration Degree from the National University of South Australia and a Certificate in China Affair Study from The Beijing University.
Currently, he is the Chairman of The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations, Member of Executive Committee, the Chairperson of Fundraising and Social Enterprise Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. Dr. Cheng is appointed as the Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Institution of Building and Services Engineers since May 2018. He was the President of The Federation of Environmental and Hygienic Services (2013 – 2016) and the Vice President of Greater China Institute of Property Management (2010 – 2016). Dr. Cheng was awarded as “China Entrepreneur Excellence” by the All-China Private Enterprise Federation in August 2010 and appointed to be the Consultant of Golden Key International Alliance in October 2014.

Ms. CHEUNG Oi-lin Irene MBA, ACMA
Ms. Irene CHEUNG is a qualified accountant with nearly 30 years of financial and accounting experience in the banking industry. Until 2009, she has worked in a global banking group for more than 22 years. The last position Ms. Cheung held was the Head of Hong Kong Finance in the banking group’s Asia Pacific Finance. She also serves as Member of Governance and Corporate Affairs Committee, Finance Committee and Digital Transformation Committee in The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation.

Mr. CHEUNG Wai-leung Benny BBS, MBE, QGM, MA
Member (Vice-President)
Mr. Benny Cheung retired as the Assistant Division Officer of Hong Kong Fire Services Department in 2014. He has since been actively committed to community services. Apart from his extensive involvement in the committee works of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, leading the development of rehabilitation services, he was the Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth. He is now the Chairman of Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities.
In 1997, Mr. Cheung was awarded the Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong and in 1998, the Outstanding Young Person of the World by the Hong Kong Junior Chamber of Commerce and by the Junior Chamber International respectively. He is an elite athlete in fencing having won four gold medals from 1995 to 1998 in the Italy International Wheelchair Fencing Competition. In 1996, he was a four time Olympic gold medalist in fencing during the Atlanta Paralympic Games in the USA.

Mr. FUNG Ka-chuen BSc, MMgmt (IT Mgmt), FHKCS
Mr. Ka-chuen FUNG is a retired IT veteran with more than 35 years of experience in applying information technology across different industries. His specialization includes systems architecture, digital innovation and transformation. Before his retirement, he was the Chief Technology Advisor of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Hong Kong and Macau where he provided technology leadership to help define the go-to-market strategies. Prior to that, he also held senior technical and management positions for major enterprises such as Airport Authority Hong Kong, EMC, Sun Microsystems, Scotiabank and Dow Chemical in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Canada.
Mr. FUNG has been a member of the Sub-Committee of Information and Communication Technology since 2009 and has made great contribution to HKSR’s information technology development. Now he is the Chairperson of the Digital Transformation Committee. He is also a Fellow of the Hong Kong Computer Society and was a Board member of Hong Kong Institute for IT Professional Certification from 2013-2018 where he was a main contributor to help define the certification process for IT System Architect.

Ar. Dr. KWAN Kwok-lok Joseph MH, Dip. Arch. (QIT), M.Sc. (Surrey), D.Univ (QUT),
Ar. Dr. Joseph Kwan is an Architect and Access Consultant with more than 40 years of experience in international architectural practice having worked in Australia, the United Kingdom, France and Hong Kong. He specializes in universal design and access to the built environment, transportation and inclusive tourism.
He was a Consultant to the United Nations – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) on Non-Handicapping Environments for People with Disabilities, and also their Expert/Resource Person on Barrier-Free Tourism in Asia and the Pacific.
Ar. Dr. Kwan was the Global Chair of Rehabilitation International – International Commission on Technology and Accessibility (RI-ICTA); and the Inaugural Chair of ARCASIA (Architects Regional Council of Asia) Committee on Social Responsibility. He has been the Region IV Director of the International Union of Architects (UIA), Work Program on “Architecture and the Disabled” since 1999.
He participated in the ISO (International Standards Organization) Working Group on the drafting of the Standard on “Accessibility and Usability of the Built Environment” 2011 and has participated as a Member of the International Steering Committee for TRANSED (International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons) since 2001.
He is a Member of the Hong Kong Government’s Rehabilitation Advisory Committee (RAC), Chairman of RAC Sub-Committee on Access and a Member of the Working Group on Access of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong. He also served as Vice-President of Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Vice-Chair of Architects Registration Board Hong Kong.
He was a Recipient of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Hong Kong Citation 2000 “in recognition of distinguished achievement as a community-based consultancy service in promoting and implementing barrier-free accessible environments for the elderly and people with disabilities in Hong Kong”.
He was awarded the “Medal of Honour” (MH) by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2001
Ar. Dr. Kwan received the Champion of Inclusive Design Award, Include Global Network, a joint award conferred by the Royal College of Art, London UK; Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Design Centre is 2013.
He was the 2018 Australia China Alumni of the Year, an award from the Australia China Alumni Association, and the Winner of the Queensland University of Technology Outstanding Alumni Award, Creative Industries Faculty in 2019.

Dr. KWOK Kin-fun Joseph BBS, JP, PhD, RSW
Member (President)
Dr. Joseph Kwok, Registered Social Worker (RSW), Ph.D., Bronze Bauhinia Star, Justice of Peace, was a former Associate Professor of the City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Kwok has intensive and extensive involvement in disability movements at global, regional and local levels.
He is a member of RI Global Executive Committee, and Vice Chair of its Social Commission;the Vice Chair of the Asian Pacific Disability Forum. He had participated in international and regional activities related to the drafting, adoption and monitoring of the UN Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons 1993-2012, A/P New Decade 2013-2022, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
In Hong Kong, he had served in the following positions in HKSAR Government Committees: Chairman of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee; a member of the Women’s Commission; and a member of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund. Dr. Kwok had served in following public bodies: Equal Opportunity Commission; Public Complaints Committee of Hospital Authority; the Governing Board of Kowloon Hospital and Eye Hospital; Admissions, Budgets and Allocation Committees of Community Chest. He is currently a Vice Chair of Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, a Member of Voting Committee of Riding For the Disabled Association, Member of Fu Hong Society Council; and a member of Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Authority Kowloon Central and Kowloon East Clusters; Chairman of Accessible Information Development Association.
In 2006, Dr. Kwok received the Kazuo Itoga Memorial Award by the Shiga Prefecture Government of Japan in recognition of his contribution to disability work in both Hong Kong and the Region.

Dr. LAM Chor-yin MBBS(HK), MPH(Harvard), FHKCOS, FHKAM(Orthopaedic Surgery), FRCSEd(Orth), FHKCOS (Rehabilitation)
Dr. LAM Chor-yin is currently a Clinical Associate Professor of Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong. He has been a Member of International and China Programmes Committee cum World Health Organization Collaborating Centre Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation before joining the Executive Committee.
Dr. Lam graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1993. He received his orthopaedic specialty training in Prince of Wales Hospital. He later sub-specialized in orthopaedic rehabilitation and joined Tuen Mun Hospital in 2006. He pursued further study in occupational and environmental health, and he was awarded Master of Public Health from Harvard University in 2007. Dr. Lam was previously the Consultant and Head of Rehabilitation Team, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Tuen Mun Hospital. He joined the University of Hong Kong in January 2021. He has special interests in spinal cord injury rehabilitation, work injury rehabilitation, secondary prevention of fragility fractures and application of electrodiagnosis in orthopaedics.
Dr. Lam was appointed a member of Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) in 2018 because of his work in work injury management and rehabilitation. He became the Vice-chairman of the OSHC in August 2023. He also serves as the Medical Advisor of SAHK Jockey Club New Page Inn and the Service Supervisor of SAHK Jockey Club Bradbury Wah Sum Care Centre.

Mr. LAM Hong-wai Weymond
Mr. Weymond Lam has retired after having accumulated more than 30 years of extensive human resources management experience gained from the Shui On Group, National Mutual Insurance (now AXA), Dah Chong Hong, Hong Kong Telecom/CSL and the China Oversea/China State Construction Group. He is a graduate of Hong Kong Baptist College, now Hong Kong Baptist University, and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from University of East Asia, now University of Macau.
Mr. Lam was a Fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management in which he served at various time as the Vice President, Member of the Executive Council, co-Chairman of the Professional Standards Committee and member of various committees.
Since the early 90s, Mr. Lam has been conducting management training courses for various NGOs such as Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong Social Workers Association, and some others. Currently Mr. Lam is a member of the Advisory Committee on NGOs Salary Survey of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society, and member of the HR Committee of the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Fund. He has been teaching People Management for over 20 years as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Social Work and Social Administration Department of the University of Hong Kong.

Mr. LAM Siu-lo Andrew SBS, JP
Mr. Andrew Lam is a veteran town planner. He is elected a Member of the 7th Legislative Council of the HKSAR, and the Chairman of AN Group (Holdings) Limited, a firm with two major business arms: agriculture and real estates. He was elected President of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners in 1998 and was appointed to serve on numerous advisory and statutory bodies through the years, especially those related to environment, heritage conservation and culture. Now he is also active in the work of NGOs.

Prof. LEE Albert MB BS (Med.Deg-Lond) LLB (Hons-Lond) MPH(Lond) MD (CUHK) LLMArbDr(Distinct-CityUHK) GDLP (Aus.Coll.Law) M.Ed.Res & Prof.Study (Bristol) FRCP (Lond & Irel) FRACGP (Aus) HonFFPH (UK) FHKAM (FamMed) FCIArb(UK) FACLM (Aus) FCLM(US) DCH (Irel) Accredited Mediator (CEDR-UK)
Prof. Albert Lee is Clinical Professor of Public Health and Primary Care and Founding Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also Honorary Professor of Department of Rehabilitation, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is specialised in Family Medicine and Primary Care, Public Health and Health Promotion, and Medico-legal issues. He possesses higher professional and academic qualifications in family medicine, public health, legal medicine, education and arbitration from Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, UK and US.
He is dedicated in global health promotion and developed widely used toolkits and frameworks to enable effective promotion and inculcation of health in various settings, from the school level through to municipal level and up to healthcare infrastructures. He has served as WHO Temporary Advisor in Health Promotion and founding member of Steering Committee of Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC) since 2003. He was elected as International Member (Academician) of National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in 2012, first from Hong Kong, and served as member of NAM Forum on ‘Investing in Children globally’ (iYCG) to develop an integrated approach for child development and co-chair the Hong Kong workshop of iYCG in 2015. He was also awarded Honorary Fellow of Faculty of Public Health of Royal College of Physicians UK and AFHC Pioneer in Healthy City Research Award in 2014. He published a book on Healthy Setting Approach for sustainable development in September 2021.

Dr. MAK Kin-cheung B.Sc. (Hon.), MBBS (HK), FRCSEd (Ortho), FHKCOS, FHKAM (Ortho)
Dr. Kin-Cheung Mak is a Specialist in Orthopaedics & Traumatology and a private Orthopaedic surgeon at Specialists Central. He had worked from 2000–2017 in the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology of Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong and helped develop the spine service within the Orthopaedics unit of University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital. He is an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of University of Hong Kong.
He is an Orthopaedic spine surgeon focused on helping people, both young and old, lead a fulfilling life by overcoming disabling spinal problems. Being an academic clinician, he has always been interested in cutting edge technology. More importantly, he believes in sharing that knowledge thus empowering his patients.
He has been involved in various educational activities, and has been an active member of AOSpine, an international organization dedicated to improving spine care for patients. He is also a council member of The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong.
Currently, he is a member of the Executive Committee and a member of International and China Programmes Committee cum World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation.

Dr. MOK KWAN Ngan-hing Edith MH, DFHKCS, DBA, MBA, MSocSc
Dr. Edith Mok has been in the ICT industry for many years holding leadership positions in global and local organizations, namely Dow Chemical, PolyU, AT&T and HKJC.
In 1997, she suffered from a major stroke (intracerebral hemorrhage) and was rehabilitated within a few years. Subsequently, she earned her Doctor of Business Administration and Master of Social Science.
From 2004, she was Supervisor of MBA and MSc Dissertations and later External Examiner of a UK University for 3 countries for 12 years. She also spearheaded the IT Certification System with the Hong Kong Computer Society since 2005. From 2010 till now, she is significantly involved with Accessible Transport, Accessibility for People with Disability, Information Systems, plus others social services through her engagement with the Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation, various Government agencies and non-profit organizations.
She received several recognitions and awards viz. Distinguished Fellow from the Hong Kong Computer Society in 2010, Outstanding Woman Professional from HKWPEA in 2011, MH (Medal of Honor) from HKSAR Government in 2014, and Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award in 2015.

Dr. POON Tak-lun JP, MBBS (HKU), FRCS (Glasg), FHKAM (Ortho), FHKCOS, FHKCOS (Rehab)
Dr. Tak-lun Poon is a specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology plus and graduated from The University of Hong Kong in 1982. Since 1990 he served at the Queen Mary Hospital and as the Senior Medical Officer and Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong. Since 1997 he served in the same institutes as Consultant and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor.
From 2006 to 2008, Dr. Poon volunteered with the Beijing Olympics, helping the Beijing Red Cross train over 80,000 volunteer first aiders.
In May 2008, Dr. Poon was dispatched with the first Red Cross first aid team to Beichuan to participate in emergency medical care for earthquake victims. Thereafter for over five years, he served as a volunteer in the Deyang Prosthesis and Rehabilitation Centre as the Medical Director and at the Wenchuan Municiple Hospital as Honorary Medical Superintendent to provide surgical and outpatient care and personnel training.
Starting from 2012, Dr. Poon participates in the rehabilitation personnel training in Chengdu Second People’s Hospital co-organized by the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Society and the Hong Kong Red Cross. He has been working in The University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital as Consultant since February 2013.
Dr. Poon received the appointment of the Justice of the Peace from The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in July 2014.
In 2016 Dr. Poon et al. commissioned the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in the HKU Shenzhen Hospital and was appointed Chief of Service of Rehabilitation Medicine in this Hospital since January 2018.

Dr. PURVES Sheila MBE, DSocSci
Dr. Sheila Purves was educated as both a Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist at the University of British Columbia, Canada and later obtained a Master of Public Health (International Health) from Boston University. She joined the Society in 1983 as a staff physiotherapist working at the Margaret Trench Medical Rehabilitation Center. In 1988, she co-ordinated the Society’s project to train rehabilitation personnel for mainland China, as led by Professor Sir Harry Fang, which gradually developed into a wide spectrum of training courses, promoting community based rehabilitation and the development of rehabilitation services in China. She also consulted for many international and Chinese organizations.
In 2000, Sheila was honored with an MBE for services to child welfare in China and in 2011, an honorary Doctor of Social Sciences by the Hong Kong Education University (then Institute of Education), She has received awards from the China Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (CARM) in 2015, the Chinese Physiotherapy Association (2018) and the CARM Rehabilitation Therapy Specialist Committee (2018), as well as the 2015 Global Citizenship Award from the University of British Columbia.
Currently, Sheila is an active advisor to varied organizations in Hong Kong and mainland China and to projects in the Asian Pacific Region, in addition to being an honorary consultant to the International and China Division of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation and the Co-Chairperson of the International and China Programmes Committee cum World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation Advisory Committee.

Prof. SHAM Shun-tong Jonathan JP, MBBS, MD, DMRT, FRCR, FHKCR, FHKAM
Member (Honorary Secretary)
Prof. Jonathan Sham was the Inaugural Head and Professor of the Department of Clinical Oncology in 1993 at the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong, and served as Head and Professor until his early retirement where he then proceeded to start his own private practice in 2006. He was senior member of the multi-disciplinary team for nasopharyngeal carcinoma research at the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong which has become one of the world’s leading research team on nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Prof. Sham was also the founding Fellow and first Honorary Secretary of The Hong Kong College of Radiologist in 1991, and served as Honorary Secretary of the College until 2008. He has also served as Honorary Secretary of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation from 1993 to 2015, and from 2019 to now.

Mr. TANG Chee-yuen Edmund
Member (Honorary Treasurer)
Mr. Edmund Chee-yuen TANG is currently Group CFO at Vega Global, a Private Equity backed operating company. He is also an independent non-executive director of BUPA Asia Limited, and is the Chair of the Audit Committee. He has spent the majority of his career at HSBC group, where he worked in both London and Hong Kong. His last role at HSBC was Global Chief Financial Officer for Asset Management, he has also held the role of Global Chief Financial Officer for HSBC Global Private Banking.
Mr. TANG started his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers in the UK where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and then worked as a Management Consultant. Prior to HSBC, Mr. Tang worked in the Retail and Telecom sectors. He holds a degree in Accounting and Economics, and is married with a son. On his spare time, Mr. TANG enjoys playing sports, reading biographies, travelling and is currently learning to play the violin.

Mr. WONG Kam-ming Benjamin MBA, Dip, FBCS CITP
Mr. Kam-ming Wong is a Business, Management, IT and eCommerce business professional who currently holds a non-executive directorship in a number of eCommerce and IT companies in the Asia Pacific. From his career, Mr. Wong has more than 30 years of IT, leadership, and business development experience.
At The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Mr. Wong serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Vice-Chairperson of Digital Transformation Committee, the Vice-Chairperson of Accessible Transport and Travel Committee, a member of Finance Committee and a member of Governance and Corporate Affairs Committee, a member of the Redevelopment of Lam Tin Complex Project Steering Committee, and a member of the Yee Hong Heights Project Steering Committee. He is also the member of the Hospital Governing Committee – MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre of the Hospital Authority.
He is the Treasurer and Council Member of Accessible IT Development Association (AIDA), the Vice-Chairperson of Adult Service Management Committee, Member of Community Support Service Management Committee, Member of Joint School Advisory Committee, Supervisor of Fu Tung Training Centre and Hostel, and Vice- Supervisor of SAHK Jockey Club Elaine Field School.
Mr. Wong is also a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Chartered Information Technology Professional (FBCS CITP).

Ms. WONG Wai-man Deanna
Ms. Deanna Wong is a seasoned lawyer with a focus on intellectual property with experience practicing in HK, China, and New Zealand. Prior to being a lawyer, Ms. Wong worked as a management consultant in Australia. She has been working in the Greater China region since 1999.
After overseeing the Greater China intellectual property practice of an international law firm for a number of years, Ms. Wong started her company in 2018 offering business consulting style legal services. In addition, her experience includes professional executive coaching, risk management training, strategic business and leadership development, business/talent empowerment and stakeholder engagement management & training. She consults and works with industry leaders from different sectors and provides risk management training to lawyers at the Hong Kong Law Society.
In addition, she is a panellist at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, World Intellectual Property Office adjudicating intellectual property related cases. She has also been a past committee member of a number of professional legal organisations internationally and in Hong Kong.
She is also currently on the governance committees and is a board member of 2 other registered charities. And she is a member of Governance and Corporate Affairs Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation.

Mr. YAU Po-wing David BA
Mr. David Yau is a retired Executive Director of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. He was responsible for the Club’s charities allocations, corporate and public affairs, international and China affairs, its audit and legal departments, as well as the management of the Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course. During his 28 years of service, he has been involved in the construction and establishment of the Sha Tin Racecourse, Ocean Park, the University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Park, the Academy for the Performing Arts, Penfold Park, the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the Happy Valley Racecourse Redevelopment, the establishment of Off-course and Telephone Betting, and numerous other community and charitable projects funded by the Club.
He graduated from the University of Hong Kong and completed the Advanced Executive Program study at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University in Chicago, USA.
Mr. Yau has always been active in community services and served as the founding Chairman of the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, the Chairman of Chung Ying Theatre, Chairman of The Hong Kong Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, and as a Board Member of the Community Chest, the Sports Development Board, the Hong Kong Sports Institute, a Hospital Governing Committee Member of the MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre and Trustee of the Neuroscience Trust. He is also the Vice Chairman of SAHK, Chairman of SAHK Community Support Services Management Committee, the Honorary Secretary of The Boys and Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong, and is also on the Board of the Young Entrepreneurs Development Council, the Hong Kong Playgrounds Association, and the Society for the Aged. Mr. Yau is also Assistant Supervisor of the Ko Fook Iu Memorial School, and a Member of the Joint School Advisory Committee of SAHK Special Schools.