Privacy Policy Statement

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (including its subsidiaries) (“HKSR”) is committed to protection of personal data privacy and takes steps to protect the collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer, accuracy, correction, access to personal data.  We are committed to protect your personal data and to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and the 6 related data protection principles (For details, please refer to the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data This statement aims to explain HKSR’s policies and principles for personal data.

General Principles

    1. As part of services provided by HKSR may need to collect personal data directly related to its functions and the purpose of providing services. This will be collected, stored, managed in a lawful manner and follow the 6 related data protection principles under the Ordinance. The data will be collected in a lawful and fair way, used directly related to the purpose with full disclosure to the data subjects with their consent. HKSR will take steps to ensure the personal data is kept accurately and not longer than necessary, and assuring the security of the data and be transparent in its handling of the personal data. Further, data subjects can request access and correction of their personal data.


Collection of Personal Data

    1. The collection will be limited to the extent necessary with full consent and transparency in a legal manner. Before collecting the data, HKSR will notify the data subject of the purpose of data collection, details of the collection, access, storage, including classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred.
    1. During the service period, the data subject has the responsibility to provide and update accurate information to HKSR, otherwise it may render the organization unable to effectively process service applications or provide services.
    1. Generally, if the data subject is a mentally incapacitated person or a minor (especially someone who is incapable of making an informed decision), the data subject will obtain the consent of their guardian or parent before providing any personal data to HKSR.

Types of Personal Data kept

    1. HKSR’s various service units need to keep the personal data of service users/clients/members/customers for the purposes of providing the required services, activities, training, retailing, research, survey, service monitoring, reporting and auditing. The categories of personal data requested may include:
      • Identification data, such as name and Hong Kong ID card number/personal identifier;
      • Personal information, such as gender, date of birth and age;
      • Contact information, such as telephone number, address, email address and fax number;
      • Educational background and previous employment information;
      • Financial and economic status;
      • Health and physical condition;
      • Family circumstances, such as marital status and information about other family members;
      • Assessments and opinions on the data subject;
      • Other data as necessary.
    1. It will be necessary for HKSR to obtain and keep personal data of job applicants, employees, volunteers, and service providers for the operational purposes of HKSR. HKSR will comply with the data protection principles as mentioned.
    1. It will be necessary for HKSR to obtain and keep personal data of individuals who make donations to the organization, for legal purposes and for issuing donation receipts.
    1. It will be necessary for HKSR to obtain and keep personal data of individuals who have made enquiries/appreciation/ provided feedback/lodged complaints to HKSR for the purposes of handling the enquiries / appreciation/ feedback/ complaints and for statistical purposes.
    1. All collection and handling of personal data will follow the data protection principles mentioned above.

Use of Personal Data

    1. Personal data of the data subject can only be used, disclosed or transferred in compliance with the purpose of data collection and where it is allowed under the Ordinance. Otherwise, the consent of the data subject must be obtained.
    1. If necessary, HKSR may employ third-party Data Processors, companies and individuals for certain support services. We may need to disclose certain personal data to these service providers. Such data will be provided in compliance with the data protection principles mentioned above.

Retention of Personal Data

    1. HKSR takes all practicable steps to ensure that the personal data it holds must be accurate and complete, and to ensure that the retention period of personal data does not exceed the actual needs for achieving the original purpose(s) of using the data.

Personal Data Protection Measures

    1. HKSR will take reasonable, lawful and practicable measures to ensure that personal data is kept confidential and protected from unauthorized or accidental access, processing, deletion or other unlawful use. These measures include:
      • Restricting access to personal data to relevant employees on a “need-to-know” basis;
      • Providing relevant training to the employees to handle personal data properly;
      • Properly securing personal data; and
      • Encrypting personal data when necessary.

Link to Third Party Websites

    1. Please note that our website may contain links to other websites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that website. As these external websites are not operated by us and we have no control over, we assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of these third-party websites or services, and we advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites.

Use of Cookies

    1. When you visit our website we will record your visit only as a “hit”. The webserver makes a record of your visit that includes your Internet Protocol addresses, the types and configurations of your devices and browsers, language settings, geo-locations, and time/durations and the pages of our website visited (visitor data). We use the visitor data for the purpose of maintaining and improving our websites operation as well as generating overall statistics, such as which pages have been most frequently visited etc. We do not use, and have no intention to use the visitor data to personally identify anyone.

Access and correction of Personal Data

    1. Data subjects have the right to request access to or correction of their personal data. If they find the personal data to be inaccurate, they may request an update/correction by completing the form provided by the relevant service unit/department and submitting it to HKSR’s head office or the relevant service unit. For requests to access personal data, please use the ‘Data Access Request Form‘ specified by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and submit it to HKSR’s head office or the relevant service unit. If a copy of the personal data is requested, a relevant reasonable fee will be charged by HKSR.
      Head Office Telephone: 25343300

      Head Office Address:     Administration Department, 1/F, HKSR Lam Tin Complex, 7 Rehab Path, Lam Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Changes to the Privacy Policy Statement

      HKSR may amend this statement from time to time and will upload the most updated version on the website.

      [This privacy policy statement was last updated in July 2024]