The opening ceremony of the symposium was officiated by Matthew CHEUNG Kin Chung, the Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR and Ms. ZHANG Haidi, Chairperson, China Disabled Persons’ Federation and President of Rehabilitation International. Dr David Fang, President of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation presented souvenir to Ms Zhang


Mr. Cheung and Ms Christine Fang, the daughter of our late founder Sir Harry Fang, presented a souvenir to Mr. Darryl Barrett, Keynote speaker of Sir Harry FANG Memorial Lecture Keynote Speaker

張建宗先生聯同香港復康會已故創辦人方心讓教授的女兒方敏生女士致送感謝狀予世界衞生組織西太平洋區區域辦公室非傳染性疾病和終生健康部門殘疾、復康及失明預防技術主管Darryl Barrett先生,感謝他擔任方心讓爵士紀念講座的講者。

Guests joined the audience for a group photo.


The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

60th Anniversary Symposium and Workshops

New Perspectives on Holistic Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion towards 2030


[March 28, 2019, Hong Kong] To celebrate its remarkable 60th anniversary, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation hosted “New Perspectives on Holistic Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion towards 2030″ Symposium and Workshops, bringing together local and overseas stakeholders to discuss how collaboration between the health and social care systems can address the tremendous challenges imposed by the aging population in Hong Kong. The opening ceremony of the symposium was officiated by the Hon. Matthew CHEUNG Kin Chung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Ms. ZHANG Haidi, Chairperson, China Disabled Persons’ Federation and President of Rehabilitation International.

“Prevention” and “Rehabilitation” are very important in the health and social care systems. “Rehabilitation” is one of the effective ways of secondary prevention while it is also an important social investment.  Strengthen the rehabilitation services in the medical system, and implementing a long-term planning of rehabilitation services will definitely help reduce the burden on the public health system, including the pressure towards to frontline staff members.

At the symposium, Mr. Darryl Barrett, Technical Lead, Disabilities and Rehabilitation and Blindness Prevention, Division of NCD and Health through the Life-Course, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, World Health Organisation, introduced the upcoming Regional Rehabilitation Framework in the Western Pacific Region. He explained that the health system in the Western Pacific is facing the challenges of population aging and the special environment in the region. With the framework, the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for the Western Pacific aims to foster cross-regional cooperation, and better sharing of knowledge and experience across the region. The Framework encourages governments in the region to strengthen rehabilitation services to achieve universal health and Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. Professor Malcolm Battersby, Professor of Psychiatry of Flinders University and Clinical Director of the Southern Adelaide Mental Health Service shared his insights towards “Person Centric and Self-management Support: Evidence and Trends”

Prof. Chetwyn Chan & Prof. Albert Lee, Co-chairpersons of Organising Committee of the HKSR 60th Anniversary Symposium and Workshops, expressed gratitude to the two keynote speakers as well as other prominent speakers for their thought-provoking insights towards the Rehabilitation Program Plan Review, medical-social collaboration, geographical mobility of persons with disabilities, low-intensity coaching, advance care planning, and the development of self-help organisations etc.

For event photos and presentation slides, please click here.